Work even more efficiently in summer with the interchangeable roll-up system

Silage is very labour-intensive and there is a great risk that oxygen will get underneath the silage plastic, causing the quality of the roughage to deteriorate and mould or heating may occur. In the end, the cows no longer get all the nutrients they need, which reduces their milk production and health.

With the Kornet silage system many problems can be avoided, and it also works much more efficiently.

To make it even easier for you, we now offer an interchangeable roller with the cover system, which can also be changed during the excavation in summer. This keeps your investment at a minimum with a higher return.

Instead of a second cover system, you can leave the removable roll on your slot silo wall during summer, including the cover that is filled with water in the water hoses.

During excavation, disconnect the roller on top of the slot silo and drive with the frame of the cover machine to roller number 2, on which the next cover is mounted. This roller is easy to connect from your shovel or telescopic handler. You then cover the grass silage with it in the slot silo where you are creating lasagne silage.

Intermediate silage with the KCS roll-up system

The KCS cover offers you a huge advantage in intermediate ensilage. Both opening and properly covering the hump is much faster than with traditional silage. No more hassle with plastic, straps and sand hoses. The drag and drop is over.

With the KCS system you also have the guarantee that the hump is optimally sealed every time, during intermediate ensilages. This way, there is virtually no water or air in your roughage.

As a result, a constant quality of the roughage is better guaranteed.

Options and possibilities Kornet roll-up system

Click on the hotspots for the product features and options:


Interchangeable roller


Slot silo cover system with interchangeable roll-up system


The water inside the cover water pouches can remain.


The interchangeable roller can remain on the slot silo wall

More information?

For more information about the Kornet silage solutions or a check of your roughage, please contact us via the button below or call us on:  +31 (0)514 601990